Open Access Policy Background
The Open Access to Scholarly Articles establishes the expectation that works created by University of Minnesota faculty will be made available for open access and dissemination, and provides a mechanism for authors to request a waiver for a specific work. For more information, please review the development timeline below, or the frequently asked questions in the policy library. Additional questions can be directed to policy contact Nancy Sims or Assistant to the Provost Marlo Welshons.
Policy Development Timeline
Spring 2010
Senate Library Committee (SLC) sends recommendation to Faculty Consultative Committee (FCC) that a committee be established with the charge of considering establishment of a policy
Spring 2011
FCC establishes subcommittee to develop policy language. Subcommittee members were:
- Jeff Kahn, chair—director Center for Bioethics
- Gary Balas—Aerospace Engineering & mechanics
- Anna Clark—History
- Neil Olszewski—Plant Biology
- Donald Truhlar—Chemistry
- Gabriel Weisberg—Art History
- Karen Williams—Libraries
Fall 2011
Subcommittee chair leaves U; group reestablished as subcommittee of SLC with the following members:
- Neil Olszewski, chair—Plant Biology
- Anna Clark—History
- Phil Buhlman—Chemistry
- Michael Hancher—English
- Monica Howell—Graduate Student
- John Logie—Writing Studies
- Karen Williams—Libraries
Summer & Fall 2012
Subcommittee sends policy to SLC, which endorses policy and sends it to FCC.
Dec 2012
FCC reviews and offers comments.
Spring 2013
Additional documentation developed based on FCC comments.
June 2013
FCC endorses revised policy.
Fall 2013
SLC endorses revised policy and sends it to the full Faculty Senate.
March 4, 2014
Faculty Senate discusses policy.
May 1, 2014
Faculty Senate endorses policy.
July 23, 2014
Policy Advisory Committee approves policy.
September 5, 2014
President's Policy Council (PPC) approves policy.
September 19-October 19, 2014
30-day review period.
January 1, 2015
Policy takes effect.