College Constitutions and Bylaws
College constitutions establish the internal governance structure and embody the authority of colleges to govern their own educational and administrative affairs. Oversight and approval of college constitutions and all subsequent amendments is delegated to the Executive Vice President and Provost.
At the request of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the University Policy Library hosts the official record of current and approved Twin Cities campus college constitutions: University Policy Library: College Constitutions & Bylaws
Board of Regents and University Policy
Per Board of Regents Policy: College Constitutions, college constitutions must be consistent with all Board of Regents and other University policies and procedures. To the extent that any provision of a college constitution conflicts with a Board or other University policy or procedure, the Board of Regents or other University policy or procedure shall govern. Per this same policy, the President’s delegate approves college constitutions and any subsequent amendments.
Approval Process
The Executive Vice President and Provost approves college constitutions and all subsequent amendments. Proposed amendments to college constitutions follow the consultation and approval process as stated in each college’s constitution or bylaws. Upon approval by the dean, the revised constitution is submitted to the Executive Vice President and Provost ([email protected]).
Specific approval steps and details are as follows:
- Colleges identify necessary changes, through their established process, and update their college constitution or bylaws. The update process may be initiated by the college or the review schedule provided by the Executive Vice President and Provost.
- Upon successful collegiate approval, as outlined in the college constitution or amendment bylaws, as well as approval by the dean, the dean or designee submits the amended constitution to the Executive Vice President and Provost for approval. Submissions should include a description of and rationale for the amendments. (Note: Colleges are highly encouraged to vet penultimate drafts with the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost Staff prior to faculty votes or other college approvals.)
- Office staff will communicate to the dean or designee any concerns or issues to be reconciled prior to Executive Vice President and Provost approval.
- Upon approval by the Executive Vice President and Provost, office staff will request the Office of Institutional Compliance to post the approved update to the University Policy Library.
- All college or other references to the constitution or bylaws must point to the official records housed by the University Policy Library.
- Office of Institutional Compliance staff may update college constitutions to reflect global changes (such those related to Board of Regents or University policy titles, office titles, or senior leader titles) outside of the college and Executive Vice President and Provost approval process outlined above.
Review Schedule
The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost initiates a review every five years. The next review is schedule for 2025. The review includes an examination of each constitution by Office of Executive Vice President and Provost and Office of Institutional Compliance staff. Those findings are shared with deans along with instructions for colleges to conduct their own review and submit an updated version of the constitution or bylaws as needed.