AI and your classroom
Dear Twin Cities faculty and instructors,
Discussions about the use (and potential abuse) of artificial intelligence platforms like ChatGPT have been dominating headlines, and I’m sure many of you have been thinking about it as well.
I am very grateful to the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (SCEP) for their efforts to generate suggested syllabus language that you may wish to adopt for your summer and fall classes. Their document includes language that you can customize, ranging from “no restrictions” to “ChatGPT and other AI tools may not be used under any circumstances.” Please feel free to adopt and adapt the statement that is most relevant to your own learning objectives and instructional / assessment style.
As we approach finals season, you may also wish to identify your ChatGPT expectations to the students you are teaching now for any final assignments or final exams. The suggested language drafted by SCEP may be useful in these communications as well.
As always, thank you for your diligence and dedication to your students, and best wishes for a smooth close-out to the spring semester.
Sincerely yours,
Rachel T.A. Croson
Executive Vice President and Provost
message sent to Twin Cities faculty and instructors on April 27, 2023